Saturday, July 2, 2011


I agree, you're probably reading this and saying, "Where in the world did she come from?" Yup, I'm quite aware, I'm always saying, I'll do this, I'll do that... Yaa, sorry life kept getting in the way :/. I've been living the hard life of a teenager haha, but anyways, this summer, I am in 110% guarantee to start making videos and blogging! I'm in NEED to do this stuff, I miss the fun environment.
So here, let's put this in a list format, shall we? :)
-Start making Youtube video's again
-Shop for some things *of course*
-and also to get a job haha

Ok, so that last one was just a add-on, but hey I'm still looking for a job. In fact, I actually went to an interview at the Banana Republic Outlet Factory store.
But anyways, I'm going to be going to bed soon, sooo here is a quick blog for you followers :)

Thanks for sticking with me, even though I really don't blog much at all.