Sunday, January 11, 2009


ahhh.. exams are starting... whyyy!! ahhh.. its all stressin me outt.. like from all this math stuff to the worst subject i think.. BIOLOGYY!!! ya not goodd... esp when im in front of the computer.. yaa.. not goodd.. haha.. i guess i get distracted.. A LOT!! and veryy easilyy... but overall my weekend was FABULOUS!!! from going to my favvorritee place with my buddeehsss to saturday being able to go watch THE UNBORN.. aka.. the movie that is STILL freakin me out.. no liee.. i am just totally freaked out by that movie.. so if you guys are planning on watching that movie.. uhhmm i suggest you that you are the type of person that is not scared very easily.. i mean OYY!! haha.. and lets just say.. me and my friend TAYLOR.. ya.. we were completely having our eyes covered with our hands and since my friend taylor has very long legs.. esp compared to mine.. ya.. completely different.. haha.. her legs covered the movie screen and i was just hiding there.. haha. i know im such a dork.. haha.. but oh well thats ok.. :D ok well thnx guyss!! :D

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